Three Passes and Out

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Set Up:

The teams play 6v3 with one attacker playing on the inside of the grid. The attackers on the outside are limited to two touches. The attacker on the inside (Player 1) must complete three passes to teammates on the outside (Player 2 is receiving the third pass) before he can switch out with any of his teammates (Player 4 in the diagram). If the defenders win the ball, they play 3v1 with a two touch limit until the ball is turned back over to the attackers. After five minutes, three new players rotate to the defensive positions.

Coaching Points:

1.  Decision Making – Look for one touch passes against the flow of play. Split the defenders.

2.  Support – Balance the field. Do not drift towards the ball.

3.  Speed of Play – Get the ball off of your foot before the defenders close down the space.


Progression 1 – The attacker on the inside is limited to one touch.

Progression 2 – One pass and out. The inside attacker switches out every time he receives.

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