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Set Up: 

Twelve players are set up inside of a large grid, playing 8v4. During play, eight attackers play keep away from the four defenders.  Six attackers play on the outside of the grid, and two attackers play on the inside.  When the defenders win the ball, they take it inside of the small zone and play keep away from the two attackers. If the two attackers cannot win the ball within 30 seconds, two new attackers switch in from the outside. Balls put out of play are re-started by the Feeder, and after ten minutes, the six players on the inside of the grid switch to the outside.

Coaching Points:

1.  Look to play one touch passes when under pressure.

2.  There must be enough time and space in order to play long passes across the field.

3.  Show yourself and call for the ball. Do not hide behind defenders in dead space.


1.  Use a smaller central zone for the 4v2.

Players Required: 

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