4v4, Thru Pass Drill

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Set Up:

12-16 players are set up in the attacking third, starting 3v3 in the penalty area with players at the cones. To begin play, Player 1 dribbles away from the end line and thru the gate set up near the sideline. The defender (Player 1 in black) releases with the first touch and chases Player 1 from behind. When the attacker goes thru the gate, the other players can leave the penalty area, and play continues 4v4 to completion.  If the defenders win the ball, they can score in the two small goals set up in the midfield. Upon completion, play re-starts from the end line.   

Coaching Points:

1.  Look for gaps in between the defenders, and pass the ball in behind them.

2.  As a defender leaves you to pressure the ball, start your blind side run to goal.

3.  Player 1 should choose the pass over the dribble after he goes thru the gate.


1.  Use a half-field, progress to 7v7.

Players Required: 

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