Touch and Follow w/Combos

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Set Up:

During the drill, the ball moves from a corner into the center, and then back out to the next corner. The sequence is as follows:

After Players 1 and 2 combine, Player 2 passes to Player 3, and follows his own pass into the center. Player 3 passes out to Player 4 and follows his own pass. Players 3 and 4 combine and then pass to Player 2 in the center. From there, Player 2 passes to Player 5 in the next corner, and then follows his pass to combine with him.

The combinations:

#1  Layoff Pass  

#2  Wall Pass

#3  Takeover/Heel Pass

Coaching Points:

1  Passing – Put your pass onto the correct foot of the receiver so that he can make a one touch pass.

2   Speed of Play – Time your runs so that you can sprint to the ball rather than stand and wait for a pass.

3   Receiving – Be on your toes as you wait to receive so that you can adjust to an inaccurate pass.


1  The players can choose any of the combinations.

Players Required: 

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