Pick Your Poison

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1v1, 1v2, 2v1 or 2v2


Players have autonomy here, choosing what to practice. 1v1, 1v2, 2v1 or 2v2? Initially the receiving player can choose to move behind a cone and receive the ball, so they pick what scenario they want but a challenging progression is to allow the defender to pass to any cone and they now determine the scenario.

Coaching Points:

  • Focus and quick reactions are needed by all players to react to the scenario chosen

  • Coach what you see, was there a better decision to be made when 2v1 in regards to utilizing the overload? Or defending 1v1 are playing diving in to win the ball when it would be better to frustrate the attacker?

  • Look for moments to praise or correct aspects of speed of play, delay attacks, creating width, creativity when 1v1 etc

Possibly progress to a 2v2 game where the team without the ball must play with a GK until they win the ball. This will bring much of the practice experience to the surface in a game based scenario.  

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