Breakout Drill #3

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Set Up:

Ten to twelve players are set up in the defending half, starting at the cones. The goalkeeper begins play with a pass out to Player 1. Player 1 then passes up to Player 2, who plays it back to Player 3. Player 3 opens up with his first touch and plays a square ball to Player 4. Player 4 lays the ball off to Player 5, and Player 5 returns the ball to the start with a cross to the goalkeeper. The players rotate to the line that they passed to, and Player 5 rotates to the end line. During the drill, the goalkeepers alternate service to both sides of the field.  

Coaching Points:

1.  Check away, and then come back to the ball when the passer looks up.

2.  Watch the play develop and hold your run until your teammate is ready to pass.  

3.  Play in a one and two touch rhythm and don’t slow the attack down. 


1.  Player 3 to 5, Player 5 walls with Player 4 before crossing.

Players Required: 

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