4v4, Narrow Field

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Field of 30/40 x 15. Small goals in each corner. 4v4 can be played with goalies, as line soccer, or with counter goals in each corner. No corner kicks. Ball starts at own goal every time. Games go till 4 goals. Losing team runs. Figure out goal differential; that’s the amount of sprints..

Focus Points:


  • Keep the field long and wide when in ball possession. Create a large diamond shape, followed by correct movement of the players.

  • One player should always stay high to receive the long pass, moves left/right to get open.

  • Value the ball: keep ball possession.

  • Recognize when to pass the ball deep.


  • Pressure the ball, work hard.

  • Cut off the passing lane to the deep player.

  • Tight on the receiver of the long ball.

  • After winning the ball try to score asap.

Players Required: 


iamkesava@gmail.com on 3/5/2023

With 10 players

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